Paper Presentation Topics: Paper Presentation On XML

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Paper Presentation On XML

SUMMARY: XML, Extensible Markup Language, which is best described as a means of structuring data. XML was developed by the XML Working Group, which began as the SGML Editorial Review Board, "formed by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) in 1996 and chaired by JonBosak. XML has the ability to work with HTML and definitely not an extension of HTML. XML has the ability to work with HTML to display data and presentation. XML is a markup language that can run on any platform, operating system environment and is designed to provide developers with a mechanism to better describe its contents. XML has been developed to provide a structured environment for developers to create DTD (Document Type Definition) for content that does not fit the mold HTML. Both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator 4 and5 5, support for XML.
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